1000. 20230520_CS211_LAB

Xếp Hạng BT Hoàn Thành 1021 1022 1023
1 nguyenvanduc17 Nguyễn Văn Đức 3 68:41:07 1 try 68:44:49 1 try 68:41:34 1 try
2 hovanthanh4 Hồ Văn Thanh 2 74:56:53 1 try 75:25:50 1 try
3 hoangdthaidao Hoàng Đình Thái Đạo 1 01:16:27 2 tries 1 try
4 nguyenthehien1 Nguyễn Thế Hiển 1 06:32:14 1 try
5 hoangnhatkhanh Hoàng Nhật Khánh 1 07:43:55 1 try
6 admin 124 1 18:16:04 2 tries
The first to solve the problem
Bài tập đã được giải quyết.
Bài tập chưa được giải quyết
Chưa có bài nọp nào.
Accepted after the end of contest

Ranking rules explanation: The current ranking supports two modes: ACM/ICPC and OI.

ACM/ICPC mode: Rankings are based on the number of solved problems. When the number is equal, rankings are based on penalty time, where penalty time = time of each problem solved + 20 minutes per error. For each submission by any user for each problem, there are only two scenarios: passed or not passed. If passed, the number of solved problems increases by 1, and the [time of each problem solved + 20 minutes per error] is included in the penalty time. If not passed, neither the number of solved problems nor the penalty time is counted.

OI mode: Rankings are based on scores. When scores are equal, rankings are based on penalty time (as with ACM/ICPC). For each submission by any user for each problem, the score is calculated based on the proportion of passed data, with a full score of 100 points. Please note that each problem's score will be the final score of the last submission!